It's true they don't ring bells at the top of any market, but what if you had an early warning system in your back pocket that you know works? How valuable would this be to you and your portfolio?
In today's short video, I'm going to share with you a tool that acts as an early warning system no matter where you are in the world. The recent sharp drop in the major indices was predictable, and we could be seeing the beginnings of a major top and a move to the downside in the major indices.
It is unrealistic to think that you are going to sell at the top of any market and buy at the very bottom. That just doesn't happen, even for the most professional traders. During my career, it only happened to me once and I put that down to sheer luck. Professional traders like to be making money all the time and in many ways, professional traders are somewhat like professional golfers. Most professional golfers shoot for the fat part of the green, that is the percentage shot and always keeps them in the money circle. Professional traders usually wait for a market to make a turn and then try to take as much as they can out of the fat part of the move.
Here is your opportunity to learn how to make the most out of the FAT part of the move using this early warning system. It has been successfully used in in stocks, futures, precious metals and the foreign Exchange (FOREX) markets.
The video runs just under 4 minutes and could quite possibly change your entire outlook on the markets.
So what are you waiting for? Let's get started right away!
Enjoy the video, and every success in your trading.
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

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